Global equities fell 3.8% in both local currency and sterling terms last week, bringing back memories of the short but sharp market correction in early August. The latest…
IBOSS updates
Markets were quietish last week, leaving investors undisturbed for the most part to enjoy the last of the summer holidays. Global equities were up 0.5% in local currency…
The French writer Voltaire observed, “Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, but certainty is an absurd one.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the emotional and behavioural challenges that investors often…
Equity markets rebounded strongly last week, with global equities up 3.8% in local currency terms and 2.8% in sterling terms, as US recession worries faded and belief in…
The Bird’s-eye View This update covers the period up to August 14 2024, though as usual, we have taken the basic asset class chart (fig.1) back to the…
Last week started with a bang but ended with a whimper. Japanese equities on Monday fell as much as 12%, their largest one-day decline since 1987, and global…