We’ve Joined Ecologi

IBOSS Ecologi

We are delighted to announce that we have started a partnership with Ecologi to become a climate friendly workforce and collectively make an impact of our own towards reducing climate change. Every month we will be planting groves of trees in our company forest and helping fund carbon reduction projects from around the world.

It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. Ecologi work in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant millions of trees around the world each month.

Tree planting alone is an excellent investment in our future, but it’s a long-term investment, and a tree seedling is not going to offset our carbon today – we’d have to wait a few years for that to have a measurable impact on the environment. Certified carbon offsetting is different, and with our partnership with Ecologi we’ll also be supporting different carbon reduction projects each month.

So far, we have contributed towards the ‘First Ever Wind Power Project in Honduras’, ‘Preventing deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo’ and ‘Using Waste Biomass to Produce Electricity in Chile’.

In the first two months since partnering with Ecologi we have planted 60 trees and offset 1.5 tonnes of CO2e, which is equivalent to one of the below.

Ecologi June 2022 IBOSS

How do we know we’re really effecting positive change? These projects meet the highest criteria in terms of climate action and have been certified ‘Gold Standard’ or ‘Verified Carbon Standard’.

If you want to contribute towards our impact, simply click ‘Gift more impact’ on our page and choose the amount you want to fund, this will be associated to you for everyone to see. If you want to join us by starting your own personal or business Ecologi account then click ‘Join today’ from our page and Ecologi will plant an additional 30 bonus trees on your behalf and 30 bonus trees on our behalf, because together we are stronger.

Click here to view the IBOSS forest.