IBOSS is delighted to announce further OCF reductions to our MPS portfolios for the second consecutive quarter.
Since the beginning of Q4, 30 out of the 32 portfolios across our four MPS ranges have either remained the same or reduced further from Q3. Following successful negotiations with multiple leading fund houses earlier in the year, we managed to secure reduced pricing across a range of funds and the full impact of our newly agreed terms has now come into effect.
IBOSS Chief Investment Officer, Chris Metcalfe, said: “We are extremely pleased to notify advisers and their clients of lower charges across our ranges in back-to-back quarters. This is particularly pleasing in a year when clients will have most likely faced increased pricing in other areas of their lives, such as energy and food. We won’t stand still though and will continue to push for even better terms with our fund partners moving forwards so that we can continue to offer one of the most competitively priced propositions in the DFM marketplace.”
Costs, like interest, have a compounding effect over time and can have a dramatic impact on investment returns, one that’s not always obvious or transparent.
The tables below show all 32 of our MPS portfolios, along with the OCF* reduction over a six-month period from Q2 to Q4.
*The DFM MPS ongoing charges figure (OCF) is produced using the preferred share classes, this may differ from platform to platform.
This communication is designed for professional financial advisers only and is not approved for direct marketing with individual clients. These investments are not suitable for everyone, and you should obtain expert advice from a professional financial adviser. Investments are intended to be held over a medium to long term timescale, taking into account the minimum period of time designated by the risk rating of the particular fund or portfolio, although this does not provide any guarantee that your objectives will be met. Please note that the content is based on the author’s opinion and is not intended as investment advice. It remains the responsibility of the financial adviser to verify the accuracy of the information and assess whether the OEIC fund or discretionary fund management model portfolio is suitable and appropriate for their customer.
We provide the DFM MPS as both distributor and manufacturer. Details of our target market assessment can be found in our compliance investment procedures, available upon request. Each fund will be assessed independently, but it is highly unlikely that any one fund held in our portfolio will meet the target market in isolation—detail of why the inclusion collectively will be suitable is included within our research.
The DFM MPS performance and displayed underlying portfolio charge is produced using the preferred share classes, this may differ from platform to platform and is shown net of fund fees only, they do not incorporate platform costs, adviser’s client fee or DFM service charge.
IBOSS Asset Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register Number 697866.
IBOSS Asset Management Limited is owned by Kingswood Holdings Limited, an AIM Listed company incorporated in Guernsey (registered number: 42316).
Registered Office is the same: 2 Sceptre House, Hornbeam Square North, Harrogate, HG2 8PB. Registered in England No: 6427223.
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